The best kind of party…

Let me say this up front…Steve and I have had a lot of parties. A lot. And some really big ones – those close to us can probably call one or more of them to mind. But I must say, we had one of the best parties ever this past weekend, and it’s not the kind of party you’d think! You know, the usual all-adult party where food and beverages were flowing…well, mostly beverages…and there was all kinds of grown up joking and shenanigans (like throwing lemon slices in jest at a very drunk partygoer as she walked away headed home to her house next door – I know….mature, right)…?11885400_10206280369681928_9139810515863548668_n

No…not even close. This one was all about the kids! Once we knew we were leaving, we started trading requests for the Littles to have playdates with all their Little friends before we departed…but at some point, I realized, there just simply wasn’t enough time for everyone to get together one by one, so I very hurriedly slapped together a Facebook event entitled the “Grant Family Pre-Move Ultimate Super Duper Play Date” and invited all of the Littles’ friends and their grown ups to join! I said I’d provide the protein, and asked that everyone coming just help out by bringing a little side dish or something…

I rented a Spongebob Squarepants bounce house and a huge (even accommodating adults) inflatable water slide, then just went back to work on the details of moving. The RSVPs kept coming in, but it wasn’t until 3 days before I realized I needed to actually PLAN for how this party would come together. So I decided on crock pot pulled pork, hot dogs and chicken tenders and nuggets, and hoped for the best!


Amazingly, I went to bed the night before without putting the pork in the crock pot, only to wake up at 5 a.m. with a start! So up I go, knowing I had a full 7 hours of wonderful crock pot time to get the pork done by party time! That was divine sleep intervention for sure!

Around party time, the guests and food started pouring in, and I was very soon out of any kind of counter space to accommodate it all! It was nothing short of amazing! We had Texas caviar, fresh guacamole, caprese salad, broccoli salad, tons of desserts, more salads, potato salad…the list goes on and on and on!

Outside, the sun was shining, the kiddos were sliding and bouncing, the grown ups were commiserating, people were smiling, and I was in awe. In awe of the people who came to wish us well, who came to celebrate with us, who shared so many gifts with us…my heart was and is full.

Unfortunately, we had found out that very day that the school many of our Littles connected through last year is closing, so there was a sense of concern and worry about those who had planned to continue there. Nevertheless, everyone ate, drank, and was merry, and had an amazing time! People who hadn’t connected before DID, and there was an amazing sense of camaraderie and support for those needing to find a new school in a short period of time.


Late in the afternoon, it was time to wind down, and the goodbye’s were heartfelt, warm and lasting. We wished everyone a nice quiet afternoon at home with their little ones (who should be worn plum out from the party activities), and reveled in their heartfelt goodbyes and promises to stay in touch.

While we are excited for our new adventure, warm weather and long summers, I have to say the feeling is bittersweet. We have been extraordinarily blessed to have met and connected with such wonderful and warm people here, and will truly miss you all (you know who you are)!

For those who gave up a very precious New England summer day to celebrate with us, please know how blessed we feel and how much we will miss seeing you! We wish you all the best in health, wealth and happiness!

And thank GOD for social media – keeping us all in touch almost like we’re in each others’ backyards!

“Happy trails to you….until we meet again…” You are all welcome at our home in TX any time!

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